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Projects and Deployments


Our EDD Dogs is a big part of what we do. Our dogs are contracted in the private sector and at this moment in time we have eight fully trained Explosive Detection Dogs, who are travelling throughout the country for various jobs. The dogs work often at venue management events this could include expo's and concerts. 


Some of the artists they have worked for are Taylor Swift, Blink 182, Elton john, Ed Sheeran, Harry Styles, Red Hot Chili Peppers and the UFC etc. 


Bio Security Dogs

Over the last couple years we have trained several dogs for a Bio Security role within and outside Australia. 


ESD Detection Dogs

One of the more complex detection capability is Electronic Storage Device detection. It is an art form in itself and dogs needs to be specifically selected for this role.




Threatened species

We are experienced in training and deploying detection dogs to assist researchers in their projects. 


Narcotic Detection Dogs

Currently we have two fully trained Narcotic Detection Dogs who do jobs in the private sector.  


Specialised Dogs

We also train dogs in specialised roles, this could be roles that are not yet common in Australia or for a specific target odour. 


Termite Detection Dog 

Harry is now an operational termite detection dog and works for a pest control business. He goes to houses to locate the little intruders (of course if they are there!)


Tottie the Pig

Tottie has done all her basic foundation training at our facility before she continued the finishing touches and became a star in an 'Animals Australia' commercial. 


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